How to Tame Your Inner Critic
Have you ever noticed that voice in your head that says:
“you’re not capable of taking on this project”
“if you make a mistake, your team is going to think you’re dumb”
“look at how your colleagues are doing so much better than you”
and second guesses everything that you say or do?
That voice is your inner critic.
We all have one - even your favorite leaders, celebrities, athletes, or mentors.
The biggest difference is that they’ve learned how to tame that pesky voice.
And you can too.
“You are your worst critic”
But you don’t have to be.
Your inner critic may have gotten you this far, but it doesn’t need to run the show for you.
You may be here because you want to start living life on your terms. You crave the confidence to let go of what other people think, and do whatever you want whenever you want.
Maybe you’re here to overcome that pesky voice in your head that tells you you’re not good enough, keeps you from taking action in your life, and floods you with shame.
You might resonate with the experience of grappling with an inner critic that undermines your self-confidence and leaves you second guessing yourself, or scrutinizing every interaction with others.
You may even think that your inner critic is necessary to keep you motivated. It may have been the driver behind part of your success, by constantly pushing you to perform at your best.
But your inner critic has its limits.
My inner critic used to run my life.
I couldn’t do a single thing without that pesky voice always belittling me.
There was a constant critical dialogue running non-stop in my mind:
“Why did you say that?”
“That person who’s looking at you weird hates your class. They’re never going to come back.”
“No one likes you.”
“You’re not doing good enough.”
I was constantly holding myself back at work, and didn’t know how to show up authentically. I put on a “professional facade” because my inner critic made me believe that I needed to be perfect.
I would always leave social situations questioning everything that I said or did. I never really found joy in my life, because my inner critic made my internal world a battlefield.
I didn’t realize until I was diagnosed with complex PTSD back in 2021 that my inner critic was out of control. It was one of the symptoms that I struggled with the most.
But because of that, I learned the tools and resources needed to push that voice aside and start living life on my own terms, and doing the things I love.
Are you ready to:
tame that critical voice in your head?
let go of constantly criticizing yourself and cultivating more self-compassion?
take action without constantly doubting yourself?
love yourself unconditionally?
have the confidence to show up as your authentic self?
What’s Included
Daily Audio Recordings
All under 10 minutes. Easy to understand and digest, and full of information to help you grasp a hold of your inner critic.
($97 Value)
A guided workbook to accompany each daily module, with guided prompts and reflections to support you in taming that pesky voice in your head.
Inner Critic Workbook
($27 Value)
Personalized meditations for each day to help guide you back to the present moment, and access whenever you need during or after the course.
Daily Meditations
($25 Value)
Your intentions are powerful. We’re going to be diving in deep this week, and we want to establish the proper foundation for the next few days. Chances are, your inner critic has been running the show. It’s time to take your power back.
Day 1: Set an Intention
Day 2: Meet Your Inner Critic
So, who really is your inner critic? We get to dive a little deeper into who that pesky voice really is, so that we can get a hold of it and move past it.
Day 3: Establish a Safe Space
Having a strong inner critic can create a hostile environment within yourself. You will go through the tools and exercises that you can use to help create a safer space.
Day 4: Cultivate Self-Compassion
Self-compassion can feel foreign while living with an inner critic. But it can be done. You can practice self-compassion, and still achieve the goals that you set for yourself.
Day 5: Integration & Empowerment
We get to put it all together here! This final day will remind you of just how powerful and capable you really are.
Now yours for only $47!
Reach towards your dream life with confidence.
This is a course that’s broken up into 5 days.
Each day you will have access to:
the audio (under 10 min)
written content (3-5 min)
workbook (~10 min)
and meditation (4-10 min)
Please dedicate around 25-30 minutes each day. Totally cool if you need to split it up or take it into smaller pieces!
I understand that life gets busy. You can take this at whichever pace you’d like. Feel free to split up each day into multiple days, or even take a few days in between.
You do you babe!
We all have an inner critic inside of us. Some of us have learned how to tame it, and some of us get to learn how to do that.
I used to struggle with my inner critic, and it was one of the toughest symptoms of complex ptsd that I struggled with.
And just a reminder, having a really strong inner critic doesn’t mean that you have complex ptsd. Only a licensed therapist can offer that diagnosis.
You will have lifetime access!
Even as the course expands, you will still have access as it grows, and for no additional fees.
Due to the digital nature of this course, no refunds will be granted. Thank you for your understanding.